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When you or your loved one don’t have access to Long-Term Care Insurance or Veterans Benefits, you can avail of other options to help with the expenses of long-term, in-home care services. These services include:

  • Spreading the costs of care for a loved one between several family members and sharing financial responsibility.
  • Converting non-liquid assets, such as a home, through a reverse mortgage program.
  • Avail of a home equity line of credit or another form of real-estate conversion.
  • Another option is taking advantage of Life Insurance policies, in which you can convert non-liquid assets through a life settlement or death benefit loan program.
  • Combining Social Security benefits, private pensions, savings, life insurance, and home equity is a common alternative to alleviate the cost of in-home care.

For more information on how you can lessen the expenses of in-home care, feel free to get in touch with us today.